"Tamper Evident Package"; Manufacturing Facility Requirements

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Sec. 6. (a) As used in this section:

(1) "adulterated" means a product that:

(A) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance; or

(B) is contaminated by any added poisonous or added deleterious substance that may render the product injurious to health; and

(2) "tamper evident package" means a package having at least one (1) indicator or barrier to entry that, if breached or missing, can reasonably be expected to provide visible evidence to consumers that tampering has occurred.

(b) A manufacturing facility shall comply with the following requirements:

(1) An e-liquid container must use a child proof cap that has the child resistant effectiveness set forth in the federal poison prevention packaging standards, 16 CFR 1700.15(b)(1).

(2) An e-liquid container must use a tamper evident package. The tamper evident package feature must be designed to and remain intact when handled in a reasonable manner during the manufacture, distribution, and retail display of the e-liquid container.

(3) The label on an e-liquid container must meet the nicotine addictiveness warning statement requirements set forth in 21 CFR 1143.3.

(4) The manufacturer or retailer may not add an adulterated product to any e-liquid produced for sale in Indiana.

(5) The manufacturer must submit to random site visits by the commission.

(6) The manufacturer may:

(A) own and control both the e-liquid manufacturing process and the bottling process; or

(B) subcontract with another manufacturer for the performance of the e-liquid manufacturing service, the bottling services, or both services.

However, both the manufacturer performing a service under clause (B) and the manufacturer for which the service is performed must meet the requirements of this article.

(7) A manufacturer may use a flavoring, as defined by IC 7.1-7-2-12, as an ingredient in an e-liquid.

(8) The manufacturer or any person listed on the permit application may not have been convicted within ten (10) years before the date of application of:

(A) a federal crime having a sentence of at least one (1) year;

(B) an Indiana Class A, Class B, or Class C felony (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5 felony (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014);

(C) a crime in a state other than Indiana having a penalty equal to the penalty for an Indiana Class A, Class B, or Class C felony (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5 felony (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014);

(D) an Indiana Class D felony involving a controlled substance under IC 35-48-4 (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 6 felony involving a controlled substance under IC 35-48-4 (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014); or

(E) a crime in a state other than Indiana similar to a Class D felony involving a controlled substance under IC 35-48-4 (for a crime committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 6 felony involving a controlled substance under IC 35-48-4 (for a crime committed after June 30, 2014).

As added by P.L.176-2015, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.231-2015, SEC.10; P.L.206-2017, SEC.26; P.L.17-2019, SEC.1.

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