Training of Members

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Sec. 13.5. (a) This section does not apply to a designated member of the local board who is an employee or officer of the commission.

(b) A local board member shall complete a training program conducted by the commission. A local board member may not be required to take a test or an examination or pay a fee in order to complete the training program.

(c) The training program must include training on all the following subjects:

(1) An overview of Indiana alcoholic beverage law and enforcement.

(2) Duties and responsibilities of the board concerning new permit applications, permit transfers, and renewal of existing permits.

(3) The open door law (IC 5-14-1.5) and the public records law (IC 5-14-3).

(4) Notice and hearing requirements.

(5) The process for appeal of an adverse decision of the board.

(6) Any other subject determined by the commission.

(d) A local board member must complete the training program not more than one hundred eighty (180) days after the member is appointed to the board. A local board member who does not complete the training program within the time allowed by this subsection shall be removed from the board under section 21 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.94-2008, SEC.6.

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