Quarterly Reports of Permittee Violations

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Sec. 4.6. (a) The commission shall prepare quarterly reports that provide the violations by permittees subject to an enforcement action under IC 7.1-5-7-17. The commission shall issue the quarterly reports on or before the fifteenth day of:

(1) January, concerning violations committed during the preceding quarter consisting of the months of October through December;

(2) April, concerning violations committed during the preceding quarter consisting of the months of January through March;

(3) July, concerning violations committed during the preceding quarter consisting of the months of April through June; and

(4) October, concerning violations committed during the preceding quarter consisting of the months of July through September.

(b) The commission's quarterly report must provide noncompliance violations by:

(1) business listing;

(2) permit type; and

(3) county.

(c) The commission shall post the quarterly reports on the commission's Internet web site. The commission shall:

(1) prepare a report annually that compiles the violations for the preceding calendar year; and

(2) provide the report to the legislative council not later than February 1 of each year in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.

As added by P.L.285-2019, SEC.7.

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