Regulation of Business Relationships

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Sec. 22. The commission shall have the power to ascertain the business relationships, including nonalcoholic beverage business relationships, between permittees or certificate holders under this title. The commission shall have the power to regulate or prohibit a practice, relationship, or dealing by or between permittees or certificate holders, which in the judgment of the commission is inimical to or a violation of a provision of this title or of a rule or regulation of the commission. The commission may take action in these matters by rule or regulation or by individual order upon hearing after five (5) days notice to the effected permittee or certificate holder.

[Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-5(19).]

Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.194-2021, SEC.19.

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