Investigations; Memorandum of Understanding

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Sec. 10. (a) The commission shall have the power to investigate the violation of a provision of this title and of the rules and regulations of the commission and to report its findings to the prosecuting attorney or the grand jury of the county in which the violation occurred, or to the attorney general.

(b) The commission shall enter a memorandum of understanding with the Indiana gaming commission authorizing the commission's unlawful gaming enforcement division to conduct revocation actions resulting from suspected violations of IC 35-45-5-3, IC 35-45-5-3.5, or IC 35-45-5-4 as authorized by the following statutes:

(1) IC 7.1-3-18.5.

(2) IC 7.1-3-23-2(b).

(3) IC 7.1-3-23-5.

(c) A memorandum of understanding entered into under this section must comply with the requirements of IC 4-33-19-8.

(d) The memorandum of understanding required by this section must be entered into before January 1, 2008.

[Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-5(5).]

Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.227-2007, SEC.60; P.L.94-2008, SEC.5.

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