"Primary Source of Supply"

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Sec. 32.5. The term "primary source of supply" means, in regard to the alcoholic beverage being sold to a wholesaler:

(1) an artisan distiller or distiller of the alcoholic beverage;

(2) a producer of the alcoholic beverage;

(3) a vintner of the alcoholic beverage;

(4) a rectifier of the alcoholic beverage;

(5) an importer into the United States of the alcoholic beverage;

(6) an owner of the alcoholic beverage at the time it becomes a marketable product;

(7) a bottler of the alcoholic beverage;

(8) a brewer of the alcoholic beverage; or

(9) an agent specifically authorized to make sales to an Indiana wholesaler by a person listed in subdivisions (1) through (8).

As added by P.L.57-1984, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.109-2013, SEC.1.

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