Sec. 5. (a) A tax deed issued under this chapter shall be issued substantially in the following form:
Whereas AB did, on the ____ day of __________, 20___, produce to the auditor of the county of __________, in the state of Indiana, a certificate of sale dated the ____ day of __________, 20___, signed by the then acting auditor of the county, from which it appears that AB on the ____ day of _________, 20___, purchased at public auction, held pursuant to law, the real property described in this indenture for the sum of ______ dollars and _____ cents, being the amount due on the real property for taxes, special assessments, penalties and costs for the years _______, namely: (here set out the real property offered for sale). Such real property has been recorded in the office of the _____________ county auditor as delinquent for the nonpayment of taxes, and proper notice of the sale has been given. It appearing that AB is the owner of the certificate of sale, that the time for redeeming such real property has expired, that the property has not been redeemed, that the undersigned has received a court order for the issuance of a deed for the real property described in the certificate of sale, that the records of the __________ county auditor's office state that the real property was legally liable for taxation, and that the real property has been duly assessed and properly charged on the duplicate with the taxes and special assessments for the years _______;
Therefore, this indenture, made this ___ day of ____________, 20___, between the State of Indiana, by CD, auditor of ___________ county, of the first part, and AB, of the second part, witnesseth: That the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the premises, has granted and bargained and sold to the party of the second part, the real property described in the certificate of sale, situated in the county of ___________, and State of Indiana, namely and more particularly described as follows: (here set out the real property sold), to have and to hold such real property, with the appurtenances belonging thereto, in as full and ample a manner as the auditor of said county is empowered by law to convey the same.
In testimony whereof, CD, auditor of ____________ county, has hereunto set his or her hand, and affixed the seal of the board of county commissioners, the day and year last above mentioned.
WITNESS: ________________________ (L.S.)
Auditor of ______________ County