"Qualified Entity"

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Sec. 4. As used in this chapter, "qualified entity" means:

(1) the state;

(2) a political subdivision of the state;

(3) an agency of the state or a political subdivision of the state;

(4) a nonprofit corporation;

(5) the Indiana finance authority established by IC 5-1.2-3; or

(6) any of the following local economic development organizations:

(A) An urban enterprise association established under IC 5-28-15 (or IC 4-4-6.1 before its repeal).

(B) An economic development commission established under IC 36-7-12.

(C) A nonprofit corporation established under state law whose primary purpose is the promotion of industrial or business development in Indiana, the retention or expansion of Indiana businesses, or the development of entrepreneurial activities in Indiana.

(D) A regional planning commission established under IC 36-7-7.

(E) A nonprofit educational organization whose primary purpose is educating and developing local leadership for economic development initiatives.

(F) Other similar organizations whose purposes include economic development and that are approved by the corporation.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.235-2005, SEC.93; P.L.145-2016, SEC.6; P.L.189-2018, SEC.44.

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