Duties of the Corporation

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Sec. 1. The corporation shall do the following:

(1) Create and regularly update a strategic economic development plan that includes the following:

(A) Identification of specific economic regions within Indiana and methods by which the corporation will implement more regional collaboration between the corporation and the various local economic development organizations within these regions.

(B) Methods by which the corporation will implement more collaboration between the corporation and the various state economic development organizations within the states contiguous to Indiana.

(2) Establish strategic benchmarks and performance measures.

(3) Monitor and report on Indiana's economic performance.

(4) Market Indiana to businesses worldwide.

(5) Assist Indiana businesses that want to grow.

(6) Solicit funding from the private sector for selected initiatives.

(7) Provide for the orderly economic development and growth of Indiana.

(8) Establish and coordinate the operation of programs commonly available to all citizens of Indiana to implement a strategic plan for the state's economic development and enhance the general welfare.

(9) Evaluate and analyze the state's economy to determine the direction of future public and private actions, and report and make recommendations to the general assembly in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6 with respect to the state's economy. The report prepared under this subdivision must include recommendations for strategies and plans for collaboration by the corporation with:

(A) local economic development organizations within geographic regions in Indiana; and

(B) the various state economic development organizations within the states contiguous to Indiana.

(10) Assemble and provide information to the commission for higher education and the department of workforce development concerning the economic benefits of residing and working in Indiana as required under IC 21-18-15-4(b).

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.114-2011, SEC.3; P.L.172-2011, SEC.23; P.L.6-2012, SEC.37; P.L.53-2014, SEC.69; P.L.121-2016, SEC.14; P.L.143-2019, SEC.9.

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