Establishment of Fund; Purpose

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Sec. 7. (a) The small business restart grant fund is established. The corporation shall administer the fund.

(b) The fund shall be used to award grants to eligible entities in accordance with this chapter.

(c) The fund consists of:

(1) appropriations by the general assembly;

(2) money received from any state or federal grants or programs, including any federal grant or program enacted to provide economic relief in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic; and

(3) grants, gifts, and donations intended for deposit in the fund, including transfers from other accounts or funds.

(d) The expenses of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund.

(e) Money in the fund at the end of a state fiscal year that was allotted to the fund from a federal grant or program reverts to the state general fund only to the extent allowed by federal law.

(f) To the extent possible, the corporation shall award grants using funds received from a federal grant or program before using funds appropriated from the state general fund.

As added by P.L.82-2021, SEC.1.

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