Industrial Development Project Guaranty Fund

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Sec. 9. There is created an industrial development project guaranty fund which shall be used by the corporation as a nonlapsing, revolving fund for carrying out the provisions of the guaranty program. The corporation may expend money from the guaranty fund as the authority considers appropriate to carry out the purposes of this chapter and IC 5-1.2-9. The guaranty fund consists of the money, if any, appropriated by the general assembly. To this sum shall be charged those expenses of the corporation attributable and allocated by the corporation to the guaranty program, including interest, principal, and lease payments required by loan or lease defaults under the guaranty program, and to the sum shall be credited that income of the corporation attributable and allocated by the corporation to the guaranty program, including guarantee premiums.

As added by P.L.162-2007, SEC.25. Amended by P.L.189-2018, SEC.52.

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