"Industrial Development Project"

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Sec. 5. As used in this chapter, "industrial development project" includes the acquisition of land, interests in land, site improvements, infrastructure improvements (including information and high technology infrastructure (as defined in IC 5-28-9-4)), buildings, or structures, rehabilitation, renovation, and enlargement of buildings and structures, machinery, equipment, furnishings, or facilities (or any combination of these), comprising or being functionally related and subordinate to any of the following:

(1) A manufacturing enterprise.

(2) A business service enterprise involved in:

(A) computer and data processing services; or

(B) commercial testing services.

(3) A business enterprise the primary purpose of which is the operation of an education and permanent marketing center for manufacturers and distributors of robotic and flexible automation equipment.

(4) Any other business enterprise, if the use of the guaranty program creates a reasonable probability that the effect on Indiana employment will be creation or retention of at least fifty (50) jobs.

(5) An agricultural enterprise in which:

(A) the enterprise operates under a producer or growout agreement; and

(B) the output of the enterprise is processed predominantly in Indiana.

(6) A business enterprise that is required by a state, federal, or local regulatory agency to make capital expenditures to remedy a violation of a state or federal law or a local ordinance.

(7) A recycling market development project.

(8) A high growth company with high skilled jobs.

As added by P.L.162-2007, SEC.25. Amended by P.L.177-2018, SEC.8; P.L.189-2018, SEC.50; P.L.215-2018(ss), SEC.2.

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