Power to Make Direct Loans

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Sec. 17. To further the purposes of this chapter, and in addition to the corporation's other powers under this chapter, the corporation may, upon a written finding as described in section 10 of this chapter, make direct loans from money in the guaranty fund to or for the benefit of any industrial development project, mining operation, or agricultural operation that involves the processing of agricultural products, upon the terms and conditions that the corporation prescribes. Loans made under this section are subject to the following conditions:

(1) A new or additional loan may not be made if the loan would cause the then outstanding total guarantee obligations with respect to all loans and leases guaranteed under this section and the other provisions of this chapter to exceed eight (8) times the amount of money then in the guaranty fund, or would cause the then outstanding total principal balance of all loans made under this section and then owing to the corporation to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the amount of money then in the guaranty fund.

(2) The principal amount of such a loan to or for the benefit of a project or operation may not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000), less the then outstanding total guarantee obligations with respect to any loans or leases guaranteed under this chapter to or for the benefit of that project or operation.

(3) With respect to any loan made under this section, a loan agreement with the corporation must contain the following terms:

(A) A requirement that the loan proceeds be used for specified purposes consistent with and in furtherance of the purposes of the corporation under this chapter.

(B) The term of the loan, which may not be later than twenty (20) years from the date of the loan.

(C) The repayment schedule.

(D) The interest rate or rates of the loan, which may include variations in the rate, but which may not be less than the amount necessary to cover all expenses of the corporation in making the loan.

(E) Any other terms and provisions that the corporation requires.

(4) A loan agreement under this section may also contain a requirement that the loan be insured directly or indirectly by a loan insurer or be guaranteed by a loan guarantor, and a requirement of any other type or types of security or collateral that the corporation considers reasonable or necessary.

(5) A loan made under this section may be sold by the corporation, and the corporation may permit other lenders to participate in a loan made under this section, at the time or times and upon the terms and conditions that the corporation considers reasonable or necessary. A loan sold or in which other lenders participate may be guaranteed by the corporation, upon terms and conditions established by the corporation.

As added by P.L.162-2007, SEC.25.

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