Power to Allow Subordination

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Sec. 16. To further the purposes of this chapter, and subject to this chapter, the corporation may also use any part of the guaranty fund to guarantee any bonds issued by the Indiana finance authority under IC 5-1.2 or by any authorized issuer under IC 36-7-12. With regard to direct obligations of the authority that are guaranteed by the corporation, the corporation may permit a subordination of any:

(1) security agreement;

(2) mortgage;

(3) combination of security agreements and mortgages; or

(4) other appropriate documents securing the direct obligations;

if the corporation in its discretion determines that the subordination is reasonably necessary to accomplish the objectives of the industrial development project undertaken by the authority.

As added by P.L.162-2007, SEC.25. Amended by P.L.189-2018, SEC.54.

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