Premiums; Fees; Charges

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Sec. 13. The corporation may establish:

(1) guarantee premiums for a guarantee under section 10 of this chapter of any loan or lease outstanding at the beginning of each year or at the time the guarantee is entered into; and

(2) loan application, placement, origination, commitment, administrative, processing, or other fees or charges in connection with the corporation's powers under section 17 of this chapter.

These premiums, fees, or charges are payable in amounts or based upon formulas established by the corporation and may be payable, at the election of the corporation, in whole or in part, in the form of cash, shares of stock, warrants for the purchase of shares of stock, or other securities, property, or rights acceptable to the corporation. These premiums, fees, or charges shall be payable by the developer or user to the corporation in a manner prescribed by the corporation.

As added by P.L.162-2007, SEC.25.

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