Broadband Adoption; Procedure to Promote Broadband Adoption After Certification of Unit as Broadband Ready Community; Prohibitions

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Sec. 8. (a) As used in this section, "broadband adoption" refers to an agreement by a customer to subscribe to broadband services that are:

(1) offered by a communications service provider; and

(2) available to the customer.

(b) A unit that wishes to be certified as a broadband ready community must establish a procedure to promote broadband adoption in the unit after the unit is certified as a broadband ready community. The procedure must include the following:

(1) A single point of contact in charge of broadband adoption in the unit.

(2) An assurance that each communications service provider that already provides broadband services in the unit will be notified that the unit is applying to be a broadband ready community.

(3) An assurance that the unit will work with communications service providers to promote broadband adoption in the unit.

(c) A procedure established under subsection (b) may not do the following:

(1) Discriminate among communications service providers with respect to promoting broadband adoption in the unit.

(2) Impose a fee on communications service providers to fund promotion of broadband adoption in the unit.

As added by P.L.33-2017, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.177-2018, SEC.6; P.L.189-2018, SEC.48.

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