Procedure for Reviewing Applications and Issuing Permits for Projects

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Sec. 7. (a) A unit that wishes to be certified as a broadband ready community must establish a procedure to review applications and issue permits for projects. The procedure must contain the following components:

(1) A single point of contact for all matters related to a project.

(2) A guarantee that all applications related to a project will be reviewed and either approved or rejected within ten (10) business days after an application is submitted.

(3) An assurance that all inspections, including necessary approvals, related to a project will occur in a timely and expeditious manner.

(4) An authorization for all forms, applications, and documentation related to a project to be filed and signed by electronic means.

(b) A procedure established under subsection (a) may not do the following:

(1) Require an applicant to designate a final contractor to complete a project.

(2) Impose a fee to review an application or issue a permit for a project.

(3) Impose a seasonal moratorium on the issuance of permits for a project.

(4) Discriminate among communications service providers or utilities with respect to any action described in this section or otherwise related to a project, including granting access to public rights-of-way, infrastructure and poles, river and bridge crossings, and any other physical assets owned or controlled by the unit.

As added by P.L.18-2015, SEC.1.

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