Certification of Unit as Broadband Ready Community; Application; Approval

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Sec. 6. (a) In addition to the duties set forth in section 5 of this chapter, the center shall create a program to certify a unit as a broadband ready community.

(b) A unit may apply for certification as a broadband ready community. The application must be in a form and manner prescribed by the office of community and rural affairs. The office of community and rural affairs shall approve an application and certify a unit as a broadband ready community if the office of community and rural affairs determines that the unit has:

(1) established a permit procedure that complies with section 7 of this chapter;

(2) established a broadband adoption procedure that complies with section 8 of this chapter; and

(3) complied with any other requirements of the office of community and rural affairs.

As added by P.L.18-2015, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.33-2017, SEC.1; P.L.59-2020, SEC.2.

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