"Broadband Services"

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Sec. 0.5. As used in this chapter, "broadband services" includes services, including voice, video, and data, that provide capacity for transmission of more than three hundred eighty-four (384) kilobits per second in at least one (1) direction regardless of the technology or medium used, including wireless, copper wire, fiber optic cable, or coaxial cable. If voice transmission capacity is offered in conjunction with other services using transmission of more than three hundred eighty-four (384) kilobits per second, the voice transmission capacity may be less than three hundred eighty-four (384) kilobits per second. The authority shall annually reconsider the three hundred eighty-four (384) kilobits threshold under this section with a bias toward raising the threshold in a manner consistent with technological advances.

As added by P.L.189-2018, SEC.47.

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