Allocation of Tax Increment Revenues to District

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Sec. 17. (a) A county fiscal body in which a hub or spoke is located may allocate three percent (3%) of the tax increment revenues attributable to the hub or spoke to the district if the county fiscal body adopts a resolution under subsection (b).

(b) The county fiscal body may adopt a resolution designating a hub or spoke as an allocation area for purposes of the allocation and distribution of the amount of property taxes described in subsection (a).

(c) After adoption of the resolution under subsection (b), the county fiscal body shall:

(1) publish notice of the adoption and substance of the resolution in accordance with IC 5-3-1; and

(2) file the following information with each taxing unit that has authority to levy property taxes in the geographic area where the global commerce center is located:

(A) A copy of the notice required by subdivision (1).

(B) A statement disclosing the impact of the global commerce center, including the following:

(i) The estimated economic benefits and costs incurred by the global commerce center, as measured by increased employment and anticipated growth of real property assessed values.

(ii) The anticipated impact on tax revenues of each taxing unit.

The notice must state the general boundaries of the global commerce center and must state that written remonstrances may be filed with the county fiscal body until the time designated for the hearing. The notice must also name the place, date, and time when the county fiscal body will receive and hear remonstrances and objections from persons interested in or affected by the proceedings pertaining to the proposed allocation area and will determine the public utility and benefit of the proposed allocation area. The county fiscal body shall file the information required by subdivision (2) with the officers of the taxing unit who are authorized to fix budgets, tax rates, and tax levies under IC 6-1.1-17-5 at least ten (10) days before the date of the public hearing. All persons affected in any manner by the hearing, including all taxpayers within the county, shall be considered notified of the pendency of the hearing and of subsequent acts, hearings, adjournments, and orders of the county fiscal body affecting the allocation area if the county fiscal body gives the notice required by this section.

(d) At the hearing, which may be recessed and reconvened periodically, the county fiscal body shall hear all persons interested in the proceedings and shall consider all written remonstrances and objections that have been filed. After considering the evidence presented, the county fiscal body shall take final action in determining the public utility and benefit of the proposed allocation area confirming, modifying and confirming, or rescinding the resolution. The final action taken by the county fiscal body shall be recorded and is final and conclusive.

As added by P.L.203-2005, SEC.2.

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