Designation of Global Commerce Center

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Sec. 12. (a) If a district applies to the corporation to have part of the area served by the district designated as a global commerce center, the corporation may approve the district's application if the corporation determines that the district's proposed global commerce center meets the following criteria:

(1) The proposed global commerce center is well suited for the development of a hub and its supporting spokes.

(2) The proposed global commerce center has the support of the surrounding community.

(3) The proposed global commerce center is well suited for the development of at least one (1) of the following:

(A) A high technology activity.

(B) Advanced manufacturing.

(C) Transportation, distribution, and logistics.

(D) Agribusiness.

(b) The corporation may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 specifying application procedures.

(c) A global commerce center designated under this section must include a hub. The boundaries of the global commerce center are not required to be contiguous. Only one (1) global commerce center pilot program may be designated under this section.

As added by P.L.203-2005, SEC.2.

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