"Industrial Development Program"

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Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "industrial development program" means a program designed to aid economic development in Indiana and includes:

(1) the construction of airports, airport facilities, and tourist attractions;

(2) the construction, extension, or completion of:

(A) sanitary sewerlines, storm sewers, and other related drainage facilities;

(B) waterlines;

(C) roads and streets;

(D) sidewalks;

(E) rail spurs and sidings; and

(F) information and high technology infrastructure (as defined in IC 5-28-9-4);

(3) the leasing, purchase, construction, repair, and rehabilitation of property, both real and personal; and

(4) the preparation of surveys, plans, and specifications for the construction of publicly owned and operated facilities, utilities, and services.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34.

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