"Eligible Entity"

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Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "eligible entity" means:

(1) a city;

(2) a town;

(3) a county;

(4) a special taxing district;

(5) an economic development commission established under IC 36-7-12;

(6) a nonprofit corporation;

(7) a corporation established under IC 23-7-1.1 (before its repeal on August 1, 1991) or IC 23-17 to distribute water for domestic and industrial use;

(8) a regional water, sewage, or solid waste district;

(9) a conservancy district that includes in its purpose the distribution of domestic water or the collection and treatment of waste; or

(10) the Indiana finance authority established by IC 5-1.2-3.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.235-2005, SEC.94; P.L.189-2018, SEC.46.

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