Powers and Duties of Corporation

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Sec. 1. (a) The corporation shall contribute to the strengthening of the economy of Indiana through the development of science and technology and to promote the modernization of Indiana businesses by supporting the transfer of science, technology, and quality improvement methods to the workplace.

(b) The corporation may do the following:

(1) Receive money from any source, borrow money, enter into contracts, and expend money for activities appropriate to its purpose under this chapter.

(2) Do things necessary or incidental to carrying out the functions listed in this chapter.

(3) Establish a statewide business modernization network to assist Indiana businesses in identifying ways to increase productivity and market competitiveness.

(4) Identify scientific and technological problems and opportunities related to the economy of Indiana and formulate proposals to overcome those problems or realize those opportunities.

(5) Identify specific areas in which scientific research and technological investigation will contribute to the improvement of productivity of Indiana manufacturers and farmers.

(6) Determine specific areas in which financial investment in scientific and technological research and development from private businesses located in Indiana could be improved or increased if state resources were made available to assist in financing activities.

(7) Assist in establishing cooperative associations of postsecondary educational institutions in Indiana and of private enterprises to coordinate research and development programs that will, consistent with the primary educational function of the postsecondary educational institutions, aid in the creation of new jobs in Indiana.

(8) Assist in financing the establishment and continued development of technology intensive businesses in Indiana.

(9) Advise postsecondary educational institutions of the research needs of Indiana businesses and improve the exchange of scientific and technological information for the mutual benefit of postsecondary educational institutions and private businesses.

(10) Coordinate programs established by postsecondary educational institutions to provide Indiana businesses with scientific and technological information.

(11) Establish programs in scientific education that will support the accelerated development of technology intensive businesses in Indiana.

(12) Provide financial assistance through contracts, grants, and loans to programs of scientific and technological research and development.

(13) Determine how state educational institutions can increase income derived from the sale or licensure of products or processes having commercial value that are developed as a result of state educational institution sponsored research programs.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.2-2007, SEC.110; P.L.133-2012, SEC.47.

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