Duties of Corporation

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Sec. 20. The corporation has the following duties under this chapter:

(1) Making grants, loans, and loan guarantees to sponsors for small business incubators.

(2) Ensuring that sponsors receiving grants, loans, or loan guarantees meet the conditions of this chapter.

(3) Receiving and evaluating annual reports from sponsors. These reports must include a financial statement for the incubator, evidence that all the tenants in the incubator are eligible under the terms of this chapter, a list of tenants in the incubator, and any other information required by the corporation.

(4) Establishing policies to implement this chapter. These policies must include provisions permitting greater flexibility with respect to the establishment and operation of incubators in the areas described in section 19(9) of this chapter, including more flexible tenant policies.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34.

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