Powers and Duties of Corporation

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Sec. 8. (a) The corporation shall perform the following duties:

(1) Establish and implement the policies and procedures to be used by the corporation in the administration of the fund.

(2) Subject to section 10 of this chapter, establish criteria for awarding loans from the fund.

(3) Review and approve or disapprove applications for loans from the fund.

(4) Establish the terms of loans from the fund, which must include the conditions set forth in section 11 of this chapter.

(5) Award the loans approved under this chapter.

(6) Provide the staff and other resources necessary to implement this chapter.

(7) Prepare and distribute to appropriate entities throughout Indiana requests for proposals for the organization and operation of local pools.

(8) Conduct conferences and seminars concerning the fund.

(b) The corporation may enter into contracts necessary for the administration of this chapter, including contracts for servicing loans from the fund.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.133-2012, SEC.45.

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