Establishment of Local Opportunity Pool; Requirements of Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws

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Sec. 13. (a) A local opportunity pool may be established only by a nonprofit corporation or a for-profit corporation established for that purpose. A political subdivision may participate in the establishment of such a corporation but may not be the sole member of the corporation.

(b) The articles of incorporation or bylaws of a corporation described in subsection (a), as appropriate, must provide the following:

(1) The exclusive purpose of the corporation described in subsection (a) is to establish a local opportunity pool to:

(A) attract sources of funding other than private equity investment to provide grants, loans, and loan guarantees for the establishment or operation of nontraditional entrepreneurial endeavors in Indiana; and

(B) enter into financing agreements that seek the return of the principal amounts advanced by the pool, with the potential for a greater return.

(2) The board of directors of the corporation described in subsection (a) must include:

(A) persons who are actively engaged in Indiana in private enterprise, organized labor, or state or local governmental agencies and who are qualified by professional background and business experience to make sound financial and investment decisions in the private sector; and

(B) representatives of nontraditional entrepreneurs.

(3) The corporation described in subsection (a) may receive funds from:

(A) philanthropic foundations;

(B) grants and loans from local units of government;

(C) grants and loans from the federal government;

(D) donations;

(E) bequests; and

(F) loans from the fund.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34.

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