Annual Summary of Tax Credits and Exemptions Claimed; Extension of Time; Denial of Incentives and Disqualification From Program for Noncompliance

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Sec. 7.3. (a) A zone business that claims any of the incentives available to zone businesses shall, before June 1 of each year:

(1) submit to the zone U.E.A., on a form prescribed by the zone U.E.A., a verified summary concerning the amount of tax credits and exemptions claimed by the zone business in the preceding year; and

(2) pay the amount specified in section 5.7(b) of this chapter to the zone U.E.A.

(b) A zone U.E.A. may as provided in this subsection grant one (1) extension of the time allowed to comply with subsection (a). To qualify for an extension, a zone business must apply to the zone U.E.A. before June 1. The application must be in the form specified by the zone U.E.A. The extension granted by the zone U.E.A. may not exceed forty-five (45) days.

(c) If a zone business fails to comply with the requirements of subsection (a) before June 1 (or before July 16 if an extension is granted under subsection (b)), the zone U.E.A. may:

(1) deny all the tax credit and exemption incentives available to the zone business because the business was a zone business for that year; and

(2) disqualify the zone business from further participation in the enterprise zone program under this chapter until the zone business:

(A) petitions the zone U.E.A. for readmission to the enterprise zone program under this chapter; and

(B) pays the amount required under section 5.7(b) of this chapter.

As added by P.L.146-2018, SEC.8.

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