Annual Summary; Payments to District Board; Ability to Obtain Tax Records

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Sec. 6. (a) Subject to subsection (c), a district business that claims any of the incentives available to district businesses shall, before June 1 of each year:

(1) submit to the district board a verified summary concerning the amount of incentives claimed by the district business in the preceding year;

(2) pay the amount specified in section 4(a)(2)(A) of this chapter to the district board; and

(3) pay the amount determined under section 4(b) of this chapter to the district board.

(b) In order to determine the accuracy of the summary submitted under subsection (a), the district board is entitled to obtain copies of a district business's tax records directly from the department of local government finance or a county official, notwithstanding any other law. A summary submitted to a district board and any records obtained by the district board under this section are confidential. A member of a district board or an agent of a district board who knowingly or intentionally discloses information that is confidential under this section commits a Class A misdemeanor.

(c) If a district business does not comply with subsection (a) before June 1, the amount of the incentives for the preceding year that were otherwise available to the district business because the business was a district business are waived.

(d) This subsection is in addition to any other sanction imposed by subsection (c) or any other law. If a district business fails to comply with subsection (a) before June 1 of a year, the district business is:

(1) denied all the incentives available to a district business because the business was a district business for that year; and

(2) disqualified from further participation in the pilot program under this chapter until the district business petitions the district board for, and is granted, readmission to the pilot program under this chapter.

As added by P.L.238-2017, SEC.4.

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