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Sec. 1. The following definitions apply throughout this chapter:

(1) "District" refers to an entrepreneur and enterprise district designated by the executive of a qualified municipality under section 2(a) of this chapter.

(2) "District board" refers to the board of directors of a district as specified in section 2(d) of this chapter.

(3) "District business" means an entity that accesses at least one (1) incentive available under the following:

(A) This chapter.

(B) IC 6-1.1-3-25.

(C) IC 6-1.1-45.

(D) IC 6-1.1-46.2.

(4) "Qualified municipality" means the following:

(A) The city of Lafayette.

(B) The city of Fort Wayne.

As added by P.L.238-2017, SEC.4.

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