Powers and Duties of an Urban Enterprise Association

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Sec. 14. (a) A U.E.A. shall do the following:

(1) Coordinate zone development activities.

(2) Serve as a catalyst for zone development.

(3) Promote the zone to outside groups and individuals.

(4) Establish a formal line of communication with residents and businesses in the zone.

(5) Act as a liaison between residents, businesses, the municipality, and the board for any development activity that may affect the zone or zone residents.

(b) A U.E.A. may do the following:

(1) Initiate and coordinate any community development activities that aid in the employment of zone residents, improve the physical environment, or encourage the turnover or retention of capital in the zone. These additional activities include but are not limited to recommending to the municipality the manner and purpose of expenditure of funds generated under IC 36-7-14-39(g) or IC 36-7-15.1-26(g).

(2) Incorporate as a nonprofit corporation. Such a corporation may continue after the expiration of the zone in accordance with the general principles established by this chapter. A U.E.A. that incorporates as a nonprofit corporation under this subdivision may purchase or receive real property from a redevelopment commission under IC 36-7-14-22.2 or IC 36-7-15.1-15.2.

(c) The U.E.A. may request, by majority vote, that the legislative body of the municipality in which the zone is located modify or waive any municipal ordinance or regulation that is in effect in the zone. The legislative body may, by ordinance, waive or modify the operation of the ordinance or regulation, if the ordinance or regulation does not affect health (including environmental health), safety, civil rights, or employment rights.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.146-2018, SEC.15.

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