Closed or Inactive Military Base

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Sec. 11. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, one (1) or more units (as defined in IC 36-1-2-23) may declare all or any part of a military base or another military installation that is inactive, closed, or scheduled for closure as an enterprise zone. The declaration shall be made by a resolution of the legislative body of the unit that contains the geographic area being declared an enterprise zone. The legislative body must include in the resolution that a U.E.A. is created or designate another entity to function as the U.E.A. under this chapter. The resolution must also be approved by the executive of the unit.

(b) If the resolution is approved, the executive shall file the resolution and the executive's approval with the corporation. If an entity other than a U.E.A. is designated to function as a U.E.A., the entity's acceptance must be filed with the corporation along with the resolution. The enterprise zone designation is effective on the first day of the month following the day the resolution is filed with the corporation.

(c) An enterprise zone that is established under this section is not subject to the expiration and renewal provisions under section 10 of this chapter. Instead, the corporation may review the success of an enterprise zone established under this section based on the following criteria and may renew the enterprise zone, including all provisions of this chapter, for not more than ten (10) years:

(1) Increases in capital investment in the zone.

(2) Retention of jobs and creation of jobs in the zone.

As added by P.L.4-2005, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.145-2016, SEC.15; P.L.146-2018, SEC.12; P.L.194-2019, SEC.1.

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