Survivors' Benefits; Death Before February 1, 2018; Amount

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Sec. 16. (a) This section applies to participants who die before February 1, 2018.

(b) Benefits provided under this section are subject to section 2.5 of this chapter.

(c) A surviving mother or father nominated by the participant to receive survivors' benefits under the provisions of this chapter shall be entitled to an annual survivors' allowance for life equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount the participant would have been entitled to if the participant had retired.

(d) A surviving spouse nominated by the participant to receive survivors' benefits under the provisions of this chapter shall be entitled to an annual survivors' allowance equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount the participant would have been entitled to if the participant had retired. In the case of a surviving spouse who is more than five (5) years younger than the deceased participant at the time of the participant's death, the amount of the annual survivors' allowance shall be reduced actuarially, without regard to the sex of the spouse or the participant. In all cases the survivors' allowance to a surviving spouse shall cease with the last payment prior to the surviving spouse's death.

(e) A surviving child eligible and nominated by the participant to receive survivors' benefits under the provisions of this chapter shall be entitled to an annual survivors' allowance equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount the participant would have been entitled to if the participant had retired. If more than one (1) surviving child is eligible and nominated to receive survivors' benefits, the annual allowance shall be divided equally between or among such children. In all cases, the survivors' allowance to a child shall cease when the child attains the age of eighteen (18) years or marries, whichever occurs first. Where a survivors' allowance is divided between or among more than one (1) child, and payments to one (1) or more children cease, the total annual allowance payable shall be divided evenly among or between such of the remaining children who are eligible therefor.

(f) In the event that no nomination is made by an eligible participant, or in the event that the nominated survivor predeceases the participant and no contingent survivor is nominated and an eligible participant dies, no survivors' allowance shall be payable. In such case, the board shall make a lump sum payment to the estate of the deceased participant equal to the total of all funds standing to the credit of the participant in the participant's savings fund plus accumulated interest thereon.

(g) A survivor's allowance under this section that was terminated because of a surviving spouse's remarriage shall be reinstated on July 1, 1997, and continue during the life of the surviving spouse.

Formerly: Acts 1972, P.L.1, SEC.1; Acts 1975, P.L.21, SEC.3. As amended by P.L.55-1989, SEC.6; P.L.40-1997, SEC.1; P.L.6-2020, SEC.4.

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