Leases Between Authority and State Agency

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Sec. 26. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, any capital improvement that may be leased by the authority to a capital improvement board under this chapter may also be leased by the authority to any state agency to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. Any lease between the authority and a state agency under this chapter:

(1) must set forth the terms and conditions of the use and occupancy under the lease;

(2) must set forth the amounts agreed to be paid at stated intervals for the use and occupancy under the lease;

(3) must provide that the state agency is not obligated to continue to pay for the use and occupancy under the lease but is instead required to vacate the facility if it is shown that the terms and conditions of the use and occupancy and the amount to be paid for the use and occupancy are unjust and unreasonable considering the value of the services and facilities thereby afforded;

(4) must provide that the state agency is required to vacate the facility if funds have not been appropriated or are not available to pay any sum agreed to be paid for use and occupancy when due;

(5) may provide for such costs as maintenance, operations, taxes, and insurance to be paid by the state agency;

(6) may contain an option to renew the lease;

(7) may contain an option to purchase the facility for an amount equal to the amount required to pay the principal and interest of indebtedness of the authority incurred on account of the facility and expenses of the authority attributable to the facility;

(8) may provide for payment of sums for use and occupancy of an existing capital improvement being used by the state agency, but may not provide for payment of sums for use and occupancy of a new capital improvement until the construction of the capital improvement or portion thereof has been completed and the new capital improvement or a portion thereof is available for use and occupancy by the state agency; and

(9) may contain any other provisions agreeable to the authority and the state agency.

(b) Any state agency that leases a capital improvement from the authority under this chapter may sublease the capital improvement to a capital improvement board under the terms and conditions set forth in section 13(a) of this chapter, section 13(b)(1) through 13(b)(4) of this chapter, section 13(b)(6) through 13(b)(8) of this chapter, and section 13(c) of this chapter.

(c) Notwithstanding any other law, in anticipation of the construction of any capital improvement and the lease of that capital improvement by the authority to a state agency, the authority may acquire an existing facility owned by the state agency and then lease the facility to the state agency. A lease made under this subsection shall describe the capital improvement to be constructed and may provide for the payment of rent by the state agency for the use of the existing facility. If such rent is to be paid pursuant to the lease, the lease shall provide that upon completion of the construction of the capital improvement, the capital improvement shall be substituted for the existing facility under the lease. The rent required to be paid by the state agency pursuant to the lease shall not constitute a debt of the state for purposes of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. A lease entered into under this subsection is subject to the same requirements for a lease entered into under subsection (a) with respect to both the existing facility and the capital improvement anticipated to be constructed.

(d) This chapter contains full and complete authority for leases between the authority and a state agency and subleases between a state agency and a capital improvement board. No laws, procedures, proceedings, publications, notices, consents, approvals, orders, or acts by the board, the governing body of any state agency or the capital improvement board or any other officer, department, agency, or instrumentality of the state or any political subdivision is required to enter into any such lease or sublease, except as prescribed in this chapter.

As added by P.L.214-2005, SEC.6.

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