Temporary Certificate of Authority to Conduct Business

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Sec. 6. When considering a person's application for a certificate of authority to conduct sports wagering, the commission may issue the person a temporary certificate of authority to conduct business under this article if:

(1) the person has filed with the commission:

(A) a completed application; or

(B) a substantially complete application as determined by the commission; and

(2) the person agrees in writing to the following conditions of the temporary certificate of authority issued under this section:

(A) The temporary certificate of authority does not create a right or privilege to continue conducting business under this article if the person's application for a certificate of authority to conduct sports wagering is rejected by the commission.

(B) The commission may rescind the person's temporary authority to conduct business under this article at any time, with or without notice to the person, if:

(i) the commission is informed that the suitability of the person may be at issue; and

(ii) the person fails to cooperate with the commission in the commission's investigation into the qualifications and suitability of the person for a certificate of authority to conduct sports wagering.

As added by P.L.293-2019, SEC.43.

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