Commission Powers and Duties

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Sec. 4. The commission has the following powers and duties for the purpose of administering, regulating, and enforcing the system of sports wagering authorized under this article:

(1) All powers and duties specified in this article.

(2) All powers necessary and proper to fully and effectively execute this article.

(3) Jurisdiction and supervision over the following:

(A) All sports wagering operations in Indiana.

(B) All persons at licensed facilities where sports wagering is conducted.

(4) Any power specified in IC 4-33 or IC 4-35 concerning the supervision of persons conducting gambling games, patrons wagering on gambling games, and the facilities in which gambling games are conducted.

(5) To investigate and reinvestigate applicants, certificate holders, licensees, and vendors.

(6) To investigate alleged violations of this article.

(7) To revoke, suspend, or renew certificates and licenses under this article.

(8) To take any reasonable or appropriate action to enforce this article.

As added by P.L.293-2019, SEC.43.

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