Task Force Membership

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Sec. 4. The task force consists of the following members:

(1) The lieutenant governor or the lieutenant governor's designee.

(2) The secretary of commerce or the secretary of commerce's designee.

(3) The following members chosen by the military assets in their geographic areas:

(A) One (1) member representing the Southern Indiana Defense Network.

(B) One (1) member representing Radius Indiana.

(C) One (1) member representing greater Fort Wayne, Indiana.

(D) One (1) member representing the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Lawrence, Indiana.

(E) One (1) member representing the Grissom Regional Defense Alliance.

(F) One (1) member representing the West Central Indiana Defense Network.

(G) One (1) member representing the Michigan City Coast Guard Station.

As added by P.L.228-2019, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.74-2020, SEC.1.

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