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Sec. 11. The task force shall do the following:

(1) Identify the public infrastructure and other community support necessary:

(A) to improve mission efficiencies; and

(B) for the development and expansion;

of military bases in Indiana.

(2) Identify existing and potential impacts of encroachment on military bases in Indiana.

(3) Identify potential state and local government actions that can:

(A) minimize the impacts of encroachment on; and

(B) enhance the long term potential of;

military bases in Indiana.

(4) Identify opportunities for collaboration among:

(A) the state, including the military department of the state;

(B) political subdivisions;

(C) military contractors; and

(D) academic institutions;

to maintain and expand the missions of Indiana's military bases.

(5) Study how governmental entities outside Indiana have addressed issues regarding encroachment and partnership formation described in this section.

(6) With respect to a multicounty federal military base under IC 36-7-30.5:

(A) vote to require the establishment of the development authority under IC 36-7-30.5, if necessary; and

(B) advise and submit recommendations to a development authority board appointed under IC 36-7-30.5.

(7) Strengthen state support for military families and veterans in the areas of education, health care, employment, and family programs. The areas listed in this subdivision do not comprise an exhaustive list of the areas for which the task force may strengthen state support for military families and veterans.

As added by P.L.228-2019, SEC.2.

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