Regulatory Enforcement Authority

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Sec. 16. The regulatory requirements set forth in this chapter shall be administered and enforced as follows:

(1) The Band shall have sole responsibility to administer and enforce the regulatory requirements set forth in this Compact.

(2) A representative authorized in writing by the Governor of the State or his or her designee shall have the following right to inspect all Gaming Facilities and all records related to Class III gaming under this Compact, including those records set forth in section 11 of this chapter, subject to the following conditions:

(A) With respect to public areas, at any time without prior notice;

(B) With respect to private areas not accessible to the public, at any time during normal business hours, with twelve (12) hours prior written notice; and

(C) With respect to inspection and copying of all records relating to Class III gaming, with forty-eight (48) hours prior written notice, not including weekends.

If the Band's Certificate of Self-Regulation is revoked, then the State may inspect the Band's Class III gaming operations at any time without prior notice. The State's right to inspect the Band's Class III gaming operations under this section in such manner will become effective immediately on the date the Certificate of Self-Regulation is revoked notwithstanding any appeal of such revocation the Band may pursue pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 2714. The State's right under this section to conduct inspections of the Band's Class III gaming operations without advance notice shall cease to be effective immediately on the date that the NIGC re-issues a Certificate of Self-Regulation to the Band.

As added by P.L.171-2021, SEC.1.

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