Accounting Requirements

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Sec. 11. All accounting and financial activities for Class III gaming under this Compact shall conform to industry standards and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Accounting records shall be kept on a double entry system of accounting, maintaining detailed, supporting, subsidiary records. The Band shall maintain the following records for not less than three (3) years:

(1) Revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity for the location at which Class III gaming is conducted;

(2) Daily cash transactions for each Class III gaming activity at each Class III gaming operations, including but not limited to transactions relating to each gaming table bank, game drop box, and gaming room bank;

(3) All markers, IOUs, returned checks, hold checks, or other similar credit instruments;

(4) Individual and statistical game records (except for card games) to reflect statistical drop and statistical win; for electronic, computer, or other technologically assisted games, analytic reports which show the total amount of cash wagered and the total amount of prizes won;

(5) Contracts, correspondence, and other transaction documents relating to all vendors and contractors;

(6) Records of all gaming enforcement activities;

(7) Audits prepared by or on behalf of the Band; and

(8) Personnel information on all Gaming Officials and Employees, including rotation sheets, hours worked, employee profiles, and background checks.

As added by P.L.171-2021, SEC.1.

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