Collection Procedure

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Sec. 4. Accounts of state institutions described in this chapter shall be paid as follows:

(1) All such accounts shall be signed by the superintendent or warden of such institution, attested to by the seal of the institution, and forwarded to the auditor of the county for payment from which county the inmate or patient was admitted.

(2) All accounts accruing between January 1 and June 30 of each year shall be forwarded to the county auditor on or before October 1 of such year.

(3) All accounts accruing between July 1 and December 31 of each year shall be forwarded to the county auditor on or before April 1 of the following year.

(4) Upon receipt of any such account, the county auditor shall draw a warrant on the treasurer of the county for the payment of the account, and the same shall be paid out of the funds of the county appropriated therefor.

(5) The county council of each county of the state shall annually appropriate sufficient funds to pay such accounts.

Formerly: Acts 1953, c.165, s.4. As amended by P.L.5-1984, SEC.197; P.L.246-2005, SEC.44; P.L.146-2008, SEC.15; P.L.67-2017, SEC.5.

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