Advisory Committee Concerning the Oral History of the General Assembly

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Sec. 21. (a) An advisory committee is established to advise the historical bureau in establishing an oral history of the general assembly under section 20 of this chapter. The committee consists of the following eight (8) members:

(1) One (1) member of the general assembly appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

(2) One (1) member of the general assembly appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives.

(3) One (1) member of the general assembly appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate.

(4) One (1) member of the general assembly appointed by the minority leader of the senate.

(5) Four (4) members appointed by the governor as follows:

(A) One (1) member nominated by the Indiana library and historical board.

(B) One (1) member nominated by the Indiana Historical Society.

(C) One (1) member nominated by the Center for the Study of History and Memory at Indiana University.

(D) One (1) member nominated by the board of trustees of The History Museum in South Bend.

(b) The following apply to the governor's appointments under subsection (a)(5):

(1) Not more than two (2) members appointed by the governor may be members of the same political party.

(2) The appointments must be made so that the northern, central, and southern regions of Indiana are represented on the committee.

(c) Members of the committee serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. If a vacancy occurs on the committee, the appointing authority that appointed the member whose position is vacant shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy. An individual appointed to fill a vacancy must have the qualifications that a member appointed by the appointing authority must have.

(d) The:

(1) chairman of the legislative council, with the advice of the vice-chairman, shall designate the chair; and

(2) vice-chairman of the legislative council, with the advice of the chairman, shall designate a vice-chair;

of the committee from among the legislative members of the committee. The chair and vice-chair of the committee serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.

(e) Each member of the committee is entitled to receive the same per diem, mileage, and travel allowances paid to individuals who serve as legislative and lay members, respectively, of interim study committees established by the legislative council.

(f) The historical bureau shall provide staff support to the committee.

(g) Expenses incurred by the committee to carry out its functions must be paid from appropriations to the Indiana library and historical board.

As added by P.L.77-2017, SEC.2.

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