Political Subdivisions; Documents Published at State or Local Expense; Delivery; Copies

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Sec. 28. (a) Each political subdivision of the state may deliver to the library ten (10) copies of every report, document, bulletin, or other publication published at the expense of the state or one (1) or more of its political subdivisions.

(b) Any state, county, or other official of local government may turn over to the state library for permanent preservation, any books, records, documents, original papers, newspaper files, or printed books or materials not in current use in a state's, county's, or other official of local government's office.

(c) The state library may make a copy, by photography or in any other way, of any official book, record, document, original paper, newspaper, or printed book or material in any county, city, or other public office for preservation in the state library. County, city, and other officials shall permit copies to be made of the books, records, documents, and papers in their respective offices.

As added by Acts 1981, P.L.40, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.215-2016, SEC.95.

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