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Sec. 7. The commission shall study problems common to Native American Indian residents of Indiana in the areas of employment, education, civil rights, health, and housing. The commission may make recommendations to appropriate federal, state, and local governmental agencies concerning the following:

(1) Health issues affecting Native American Indian communities, including data collection, equal access to public assistance programs, and informing health officials of cultural traditions relevant to health care.

(2) Cooperation and understanding between the Native American Indian communities and other communities throughout Indiana.

(3) Cultural barriers to the educational system, including barriers to higher education and opportunities for financial aid and minority scholarships.

(4) Inaccurate information and stereotypes concerning Native American Indians, including the accuracy of educational curriculum.

(5) Measures to stimulate job skill training and related workforce development, including initiatives to assist employers to overcome communication and cultural differences.

(6) Programs to encourage the growth and support of Native American Indian owned businesses.

(7) Public awareness of issues affecting the Native American Indian communities.

(8) Issues concerning preservation and excavation of Native American Indian historical and archeology sites, including reburial of Native American Indians.

(9) Measures that could facilitate easier access to state and local government services by Native American Indians.

As added by P.L.133-2012, SEC.30.

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