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Sec. 3. In furtherance of its purposes and duties, the commission shall have, and may exercise, the following powers:

(1) To employ an executive director.

(2) To adopt, promulgate, amend and rescind such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter as it may deem necessary, acting in accordance with the provisions of IC 4-22-2.

(3) To hold public hearings.

(4) To enter into contracts, within the limit of funds available therefor, with individuals, organizations and institutions for services furthering the objectives of the commission's programs.

(5) To enter into contracts, within the limit of funds available therefor, with local and regional not-for-profit corporations or associations for cooperative endeavors furthering the objectives of the commission's program.

(6) To accept gifts, contributions and bequests of funds from individuals, foundations, corporations, limited liability companies, and other organizations or institutions.

(7) To apply for, receive and disburse any funds available from the state or federal government in furtherance of the objectives of this chapter and to enter into any agreements which may be required by the state or federal government as a condition of obtaining such funds.

(8) To make and sign any agreements and to do and perform any acts that may be necessary to carry out its purposes and duties.

Formerly: Acts 1965, c.248, s.3; Acts 1967, c.274, s.3. As amended by Acts 1977, P.L.39, SEC.1; Acts 1979, P.L.17, SEC.2; P.L.8-1993, SEC.29; P.L.100-2012, SEC.6.

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