Certain Statements, Orders, and Official Opinions; Distribution of Copies; Maintenance of Current List

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Sec. 7. (a) This section applies to the following agency statements:

(1) Executive orders issued by the governor.

(2) Notices that a rule has been disapproved or objected to by the attorney general under IC 4-22-2-32 or IC 4-22-2-38, or disapproved or objected to by the governor under IC 4-22-2-34 or IC 4-22-2-38.

(3) Official opinions of the attorney general (excluding advisory letters).

(4) Official explanatory opinions of the state board of accounts based on an official opinion of the attorney general.

(5) Any other statement:

(A) that:

(i) interprets, supplements, or implements a statute or rule;

(ii) has not been adopted in compliance with IC 4-22-2;

(iii) is not intended by its issuing agency to have the effect of law; and

(iv) may be used in conducting the agency's external affairs; or

(B) that specifies a policy that an agency relies upon to:

(i) enforce a statute or rule;

(ii) conduct an audit or investigation to determine compliance with a statute or rule; or

(iii) impose a sanction for violation of a statute or rule.

This subdivision includes information bulletins, revenue rulings (including, subject to IC 6-8.1-3-3.5, a letter of findings), and other guidelines of an agency.

(6) A statement of the governor concerning extension of an approval period under IC 4-22-2-34.

(b) Whenever an agency adopts a statement described by subsection (a), the agency shall distribute electronic copies of the statement to the publisher for publication and indexing in the Indiana Register (in the format specified by the publisher under IC 4-22-2) and the copies required by IC 4-23-7.1-26 to the Indiana library and historical department. However, if a statement under subsection (a)(5)(B) is in the form of a manual, book, pamphlet, or reference publication, the publisher is required to publish only the title of the manual, book, or reference publication.

(c) Every agency that adopts a statement described under subsection (a) also shall maintain a current list of all agency statements described in subsection (a) that it may use in its external affairs. The agency shall update the listing at least every thirty (30) days. The agency shall include on the list the name of the agency and the following information for each statement:

(1) Title.

(2) Identification number.

(3) Date originally adopted.

(4) Date of last revision.

(5) Reference to all other statements described in subsection (a) that are repealed or amended by the statement.

(6) Brief description of the subject matter of the statement.

(d) At least quarterly, every agency that maintains a list under subsection (c) shall distribute two (2) copies to the Indiana library and historical department.

As added by P.L.31-1985, SEC.34. Amended by P.L.17-1996, SEC.5; P.L.28-1997, SEC.1; P.L.123-2006, SEC.20; P.L.53-2014, SEC.63.

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