Powers; Administration of Oaths; Subpoenas; Examinations; Production of Records

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Sec. 48. (a) For the purpose of enforcing this chapter, the director and authorized employees of the department have authority to:

(1) administer oaths;

(2) conduct examinations;

(3) subpoena witnesses; and

(4) require:

(A) the attendance of witnesses; and

(B) the production of books, records, and papers;

at any reasonable place.

(b) The director must sign all subpoenas issued under this section.

(c) The circuit or superior court of a county shall compel obedience to subpoenas and requests for the production of books, records, and papers issued under this section, upon a verified written application by the person conducting the examination, ten (10) days notice to the person whose testimony or production is sought, and a showing of the probability of any of the following:

(1) The books, records, and papers are material to the examination.

(2) The witness has information that is material to the examination.

(d) It is unlawful to fail to:

(1) appear in response to a subpoena;

(2) answer questions; or

(3) produce books or papers;

in connection with an investigation or hearing under this chapter.

(e) It is unlawful to knowingly give false testimony at an investigation or hearing under this chapter.

As added by P.L.229-2011, SEC.56.

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