Reassignment; Reorganization

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Sec. 35. (a) An appointing authority may at any time reassign an employee from one (1) position to another position in the same class or rank in the division of the service. The appointing authority shall, immediately after making the reassignment, give notice of the reassignment to the director.

(b) The transfer of a classified employee from a position in a division of the service to a position of the same class or rank in another division of the service requires the approval of:

(1) the appointing authorities of both divisions of the service; and

(2) the director.

(c) A classified employee must be appointed, rather than transferred, to a position:

(1) in another class of a higher rank; or

(2) for which the requirements for appointment are substantially dissimilar to the requirements for the position the employee currently holds.

(d) The reassignment of a classified employee to a position in a class of a lower rank is a demotion. Unless the employee consents to the demotion in writing, the appointing authority must comply with section 23 of this chapter in making the demotion. A classified employee is entitled to appeal the demotion in accordance with section 42 of this chapter.

(e) This section may not be construed to prohibit an appointing authority from temporarily substituting duties unrelated to an employee's position classification for the employee's usual duties.

(f) This section may not be construed to impair the director's authority to reclassify or reorganize positions in the state civil service as long as the reclassification or reorganization is not based on a classified employee's misconduct or poor performance. The just cause standard described in section 23 of this chapter does not apply to such a reclassification or reorganization.

As added by P.L.229-2011, SEC.56.

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