Employees Eligible for Leave; Compensation and Benefits

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Sec. 7. (a) An employee of a state agency:

(1) who is a certified disaster service volunteer;

(2) whose specialized disaster relief services are requested by the Red Cross in connection with a disaster; and

(3) who obtains consent from the employee's supervisor or appointing authority;

shall be granted leave from work with pay for not more than fifteen (15) work days in each state fiscal year to participate in specialized disaster relief services.

(b) The state agency shall compensate an employee granted leave under this chapter at the employee's regular rate of pay for the regular work hours during which the employee is absent from work.

(c) An employee granted leave under this chapter does not lose accrued:

(1) seniority;

(2) vacation leave;

(3) sick leave;

(4) personal vacation days;

(5) compensatory time off; or

(6) overtime.

As added by P.L.38-1995, SEC.1.

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