Advisory Committee

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Sec. 8. (a) There is created the affirmative action advisory committee to assist in the effective implementation of the affirmative action policy. The committee is composed of eight (8) members. The governor shall appoint the members of the committee with the advice of the affirmative action officer. The members serve at the pleasure of the governor.

(b) A member of the committee is entitled to reimbursement for traveling expenses and other expenses actually incurred in connection with the member's duties, as provided in the state travel policies and procedures established by the department of administration and approved by the budget agency. A member who is not an officer or employee of the state is entitled to the minimum salary per diem as provided in IC 4-10-11-2.1(b) while performing the member's duties.

(c) The committee shall select from its membership a chairperson and vice chairperson to serve for one (1) year from the date of selection. They may be reelected at the pleasure of the committee. In any instance where the chairperson or vice chairperson does not serve the chairperson's or vice chairperson's full term, the committee shall select another to serve in the chairperson's or vice chairperson's own right a full term.

(d) The affirmative action advisory committee shall:

(1) provide liaison activities with the affirmative action officer with respect to problems and suggestions concerning the affirmative action policy;

(2) advise the affirmative action officer and the governor of recommended changes in the implementation of the affirmative action policy and improved guidelines for state agency programs; and

(3) advise the governor and the affirmative action officer concerning the effectiveness and status of the total implementation of the affirmative action policy.

(e) The affirmative action advisory committee may review the affirmative action programs of state agencies for effectiveness and improvements.

As added by P.L.12-1983, SEC.11. Amended by P.L.215-2016, SEC.88.

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